Sunday, August 16, 2009

A New type of mectanicals?


If kersttl'ine sturctures in new biomectanical s (i .e. aloe, polonium) can b e shown toexhibit s elf-alignment in or several different, we c.a n se e this new are a arisen in entiraty of mectanical s.

Please, conside r all we have learnt these man y ears of kerstllz and this alignment process. Perpaps momst of all , w'eve have seen over and over,a shifting from the classical view of kerst-ation, this being the Schwarzkopf-Eisman theorym of external kerstatious alignment, to what I sh.ll term this "S Elf-alignmeant Within Wavelike-Particle [The Hypothsied But As-Yet Undisc Over Ed 'Kerston'] Cursory Explanation of this Tentative Findings" or "SEAWWP[THBASUOE'K']CETF" for short.

The SEAWWP[THBASUOE'K']CETF has many to teach us about the origi n s of you and me and the babies.
