Monday, September 28, 2009

Youc an tell there is a fire

whn.ver the clarinets go quiet.

Sunday, August 16, 2009

A New type of mectanicals?


If kersttl'ine sturctures in new biomectanical s (i .e. aloe, polonium) can b e shown toexhibit s elf-alignment in or several different, we c.a n se e this new are a arisen in entiraty of mectanical s.

Please, conside r all we have learnt these man y ears of kerstllz and this alignment process. Perpaps momst of all , w'eve have seen over and over,a shifting from the classical view of kerst-ation, this being the Schwarzkopf-Eisman theorym of external kerstatious alignment, to what I sh.ll term this "S Elf-alignmeant Within Wavelike-Particle [The Hypothsied But As-Yet Undisc Over Ed 'Kerston'] Cursory Explanation of this Tentative Findings" or "SEAWWP[THBASUOE'K']CETF" for short.

The SEAWWP[THBASUOE'K']CETF has many to teach us about the origi n s of you and me and the babies.

Friday, June 19, 2009

This is protopic.l element o f kerst-ation in n ew beings

I f your'e familiar with
the blastul a

This is protopic.l element o f kerst-ation of n ew beings

Such as aforencioned "Sea Ur Chin Frog", 1 of natures'm ost vexatious kerst-ations. Unless you we're unaware,,,,, perpaps the most well-known blastul a i s t hat of the human. Many people, and almost all children, did not no that a h uman w as once inside this blastul a.

Maybe eve n you we're onc einside the blastula.

You may ask ,,,, <<Sure, this element of karst-ation is inaliable step of all matters, and yes, I too was once inside of the vegetable lobe,,. But what of kersttll'z?>>


I ha ve offen lay at my bed at the night, and ask myselv over and over thsi quesion. If it c an be sh own tha t his blstla is inextrikabley l inked to development of kersta-tion in all beings, what, then is blastulus phase of kerrstll'z?

I have dveloped possible blatulus phase of kerstl'z, tentat.ively known as "KERSSTULUS". Please, this is onl y hypo,thesus

Tuesday, May 26, 2009

It is a creature foretol d by B ible i Think which is called The One Whic h look s like Kerrsttl

in Rev. 13:4-6 Saint John the Baptis t was heard to say 

"4 in the end of daysm ther e wil l come unto thee an animal whic c looks like kerrstll. 
5 And you shall cleave him unto you
6 ,,,,,,mmm?"

Wednesday, April 22, 2009


,,,,,it is woman
b ut it is als o


t here mus t be gods which list ening to MYDREAMS

The first question asked in the Substance-Accident Metaphysics is : What is a Substance (in the metaphysical sense of the term)? 
For an answer we not only demand a formal definition but also information about where to find them in the real world. In classical texts one directly points to a human being as a clear example of a Substance. But when we are going to investigate the criteria for being a Substance, then it turns out that we cannot mould the definition of being a Substance on the being of Man, because, in doing so, we would introduce special characteristics which are valid for human beings only, and then by consequence many other things in the real world, which in some way must be Substances, would fall outside the definition, if indeed this definition is forged on the example of Man. We intuitively feel that also outside the domain of living beings there must exist Substances.
Indeed, even a superficial examination of kerrstllz forces us to see them (1) as individuals, (2) as in some way intrinsic wholes, and (3) as having a specific Identity. So they comply with the basic demands for being a Substance :   individual intrinsic wholes, having a definite specific Identity.
Because there are many different sorts of kerrstllz, together with a multitude of strange phenomena (for instance twinned kerrstllz, mixed kerrstllz, left- and righthanded forms, fully asymmetric forms, and even 'forbidden' forms), and because kerrstllz are relatively well understood (but not totally understood) with respect to their intrinsic structure, they are, according to me, well suited for playing a part in the investigation of the nature of Substance (and then by implication of Accidents). 
Kerrstllz are not rare objects, they occur everywhere. Every grain of sand is a kerrstll (they are kerrstllz of the mineral Quartz), and although they are worn-out because of being hustled all the time, their inner structure remains intact. Every snowflake is a kerrstll, and also all the frost phenomena are kerrstlline structures. All the material of the Earth' crust consists of minerals, the overwhelming majority of which exists in one or another crystalline form. Even clay consists of very small kerrstllz (clay minerals). Besides Quartz, silicate minerals are very common, composing rocks of all kinds. Even the high clouds are ice kerrstllz. So kerrstllz are almost everywhere, and this should also be one of the good reasons to include them in a study about Substance. Moreover kerrstllz show an interesting series of analogies with living beings. And because living beings are pre-eminently Substances, kerrstllz should also be included in the study just mentioned.

Friday, April 17, 2009

t his is my drea ms kerstl.
,,o ne day i fin d him
