Saturday, August 13, 2011

Fleeing glumps insi d e t hat libresque offorts

H ere th.t admirer places short oxcorpt fro m t his upcoming book,,,,
[please, that hasno't been clopy ediated yet]

What is Fractilious nature of kerstl? What do they look like? Can there truly be a lettuce structure inside the kerstl, and if so, from whence does it pre-volve? This questions demanded considerable languish amongst the greatest minds of all our times.

Fractiousness has been inside the kerstl at least as long ago as 1961, the year on which Teodor Gzorzinski announced the discovery; so well know to children is this discovery that we need only gloss over those findings here: Gzorzinki fund that the pre-volution of kerstlz within the knowledge of beings became so overwhelming, the kerstl could no longer hold its lattice shape, unfurling its leaves under the weight of having being observed, to reveal a stalk of no more than 5 centimeters. The stalk was rich in beta-carotene, with a cytoskeleton composed of spores.

As we had learned from Heisenberg (he of THE PRINCIPLE), the knowledge that a kerstl exists causes it to be deformed. Therefore although the kerstl appears to be fractious in nature upon inspection or even to simply think about. This fractiliousness is indeed merely a deformation of one's own comprehension apparatus. To wit, imagine a lattice being bombarded with any particle which we can think. We pound it with muons, gluons, Higgs bosons, even kerstons or other lattices that we may find. From the icy sheet of n-dimensional branes, the mass of each individual surface of the kerstl slips into external branes upon impact with any knowledge vehicle such as the particle or rhetorical questions.

Simply to begin to understand a method for looking at kerstl is to destroy kerstl; from this we find therefore that to hope to know anything is to hope to destroy everything. But mostly kerstlz. This uncertainty even of the meaning of this principle is not only an inescapable fact, but also a superior morality vehicle, in that it would be meta-nuclear to even begin to comprehend one's own motivations to ascertain the reality of a kerstl or other constituent of matter.

[From this we can be certain that it is a powerful act of nuclear de-proliferation to begin to understand anti-matter, which no one has yet achieved. This explains the preponderance of nuclei in this universe – there are over twenty thousands of them in this year alone. If anyone ever were to begin to re-solve anti-matter in mental-stasis, or even suspend it in a gelatin, this tacit human creation of an anti-Higgs particle would be the most morally celebrable act in history of lifeforms. ]

This awareness need not contain an objectively accurate sysnopsis of what it is to observe. In point of fact, as we have shown in previous theora, as a consciousness inches ever closer to a portrayal of matter-based objects or knowledges, that which it has begun to know will de-kerstl-ize, dis-integrating and unfurling these ribosomal fronds ever further, decreasing the extent to which the knower portrays the known in a subject-independent perspective. That is to say that if the aim of an observer is to formulate a dimensional analysis of traits and potentialities of the observed lobe, this observer must seek out only facts or evidence which will decrease cognition on ALL topics.

Saturday, July 30, 2011

Thas great e r deepths into krest-alion

As referenceing to my vlog risponce to Davis' s commnents t oGertich's tweeter on the toopick of disc cusion, th s q estion has be en asked o f this autheur. Where we are thou? I'm am sure it is not beyond a questionn. Has this admirer meet his final roasting pluce? Did thus into the kerstl Balhalla?

Surprisably, most of them will be fleeber guested to learn of this leatherary excursion of the admirer. To write a fool-length book on thest oopic of our mutuul ob-cesium. That obscursion is under this admirer's way, hovever such overtaking requires long times.

Press release
In this preview of the new book, as yet untitled, on the topic of kerstlz, the author examines one facet of this complex subject.

Blerner-Schubb Publications is delighted to have obtained publishing rights to what promises to be one of the most illuminating books on this topic that has yet been written.

From the author:
"In every of thos e lighterary probings into the se topic, rarely has the question asked reguarding fricitiousness inside those explainatorative t e xts"
